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Best Books About Writing (Fiction & Non-Fiction) [2025 Update]

Best Books About Writing (Fiction & Non-Fiction) [2025 Update]

Do you want to learn to write? Here you will find the best writing books so you can learn to write effectively and creatively. Both stories writing and journalism are addressed. Read along…

The top 10 best books about writing

Criteria for compiling these recommended books

Our editors have carefully read as many as possible books about this subject. Then, they used the following criteria for choosing the best picks:

  • The literary quality of the books.
  • The amount of books sold worldwide.
  • The professional reviews in newspapers.
  • The expertise and experience from the author.
  • The quality of the examples, knowledge and practicality
  • The actuality and whether the information is useful or too old.
  • Our editor’s opinions: they have read and judged the books extensively.

Full disclosure: as Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

1.C. S. Lewis and the Art of Writing: What the Essayist, Poet, Novelist, Literary Critic, Apologist, Memoirist, Theologian Teaches Us about the Life and Craft of Writing 

If you are a fan of C. S. Lewis, or wish to become a better writer, then this is the book we think you should read. The author, Corey Latta, not only shares Lewis’s instructions on how you will be able to improve your writing, but he also encourages you to live a better and more meaningful life.

2.Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Anne Lamott brings humor and comfort to the serious act of writing. She starts the story with wisdom that can be applied to any task that may seem difficult at first. Just begin, and the rest will follow. This title made it to our top 10 list, because of the clarity and fun it brings to all creative people.

3.The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition

Do you wish to improve your American English style of writing, and do you need some guidance? The Elements of Style handles several elements of the English language, and it is used in high schools and universities on competitive levels. We chose this title by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White today, because of its relevant content, without being too massive in size.

4.Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg not only gives you advice, but also encourages you to develop your writing skills. How to start, what to do next, what other skills beside writing to use, and what to do when doubt kicks in, is all discussed in this book, and that is what makes it extremely valuable according to us.

5.On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Anyone who is intrigued by Stephen King’s work and is a writer himself will find this book an interesting piece. It is about his life and how he got to be a million-dollar best seller, but also what basic skills you need to become a successful writer. We think this book should be a part of your permanent collection if you are really serious about writing.

6.Burn After Writing

This book by Sharon Jones is a combination of inspirational texts and a personal journal with subjects already given. Thinking about these subjects will take you back to memories and help you reflect on what you find important in life. We picked Burn After Writing, because it will draw the attention to what is real, instead of wasting away the hours scrolling and swiping on your phone or tablet.

7.Save the Cat! Writes a Novel: The Last Book On Novel Writing You’ll Ever Need

Do you want to know the secret to what will really make your novel a success? Then let Jessica Brody share her 15 essential elements that should be incorporated in every story. If you are starting as a novelist, we can recommend this book, but if you are looking for ways to improve your novel writing skills, this is also a good title.

8.The Psychology Workbook for Writers: Tools for Creating Realistic Characters and Conflict in Fiction

Darian Smith succeeds in informing you of psychological insights that can be used while writing. It starts with two worksheets and explanations about subjects on the both of them, and put together they outline your whole book. We are sure that with The Psychology Workbook for Writers you will have no more trouble with the details in your story or characters.

9.Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer

In our opinion this book by Roy Peter Clark should be read by every starting or already experienced writer. The tools in this guide are highly effective and the sum of over 30 years of writing expertise. It doesn’t only contain useful information, it is also entertaining and inspiring as well, making it an essential on every writer’s desk.

10.On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction

Have you thought about becoming a writer? Or do you want to take advantage of improving your writing skills in the everyday writing that you already do? This classic by William Zinsser is valuable and easy to read. It gives you clear instructions on no matter what subject you have chosen, and that is what makes us put it on our list of 10 books on writing today.

Why this list?

Writing is a typical skill that you can easily learn from books. You can also prepare with this for when you go to a writing course. You show extra motivation – for yourself and your teacher – if you have already read something about it.

Good luck with your writing efforts!

The books from the list above contain all the tips, tricks, step-by-step plans and inspiration, for example about writing a book in Microsoft Word or everything about writing and publishing a book.

To your success!

About The Author

Rubin Alaie

Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!


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