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How to Bring Passion Back Into Your Relationship? 9 Important Tips

How to Bring Passion Back Into Your Relationship? 9 Important Tips

Fading romance is one of the most common problems in couples who have been together for a long time. Partners become truly close people, but friendship gradually replaces love. Find out how to bring back the passion and sexual attraction in your relationship – through our article.

9 Best Ways to Bring Passion back in your relationship

There are many reasons why mutual understanding in a couple is waning, and at the same time, sexual attraction goes away. However, before trying to analyze the situation, ask yourself: “Do I really want to keep the relationship and return the old feelings like in those love stories from the best hookup sites reviews?”

A negative answer should convince you that not every broken relationship should be fixed. At the same time, a positive one will open your eyes to the way of solving problems. Our guide will help speed up understanding, analyze the cause-and-effect of conflicts, and most importantly, find ways to put the passion back. Let’s dive in!

how to bring passion back tips

Accept your problems

Many couples face problems at certain stages of life. And if you are reading this article, unfortunately, your couple is facing some challenges. However, the feeling of regret is unlikely to give strength to fight for your love; rather, it will only continue the disappointment. After all, you do not act but expect that everything will be resolved by itself.

The first truly important step to understanding how to fix things is to admit your involvement in the problem. In any case, both are to blame. Even inaction is the reason for the gap between the once loving man and woman.

Don’t compare yourself to others

Yes, from the outside, the picture always seems perfect. But most of us manage to hide our problems. Others may even act for the show. Focus on what you want to change and keep in your own relationship. And here only your feelings and a strong foundation of relations are important, even if they have survived the repair.

For this reason, please do not listen to people as they form their opinion, often without delving into your problems. 

bring passion back in relationship tips

Add sex to your schedule

Surely you have a work schedule, a schedule of children’s classes, meetings with friends and parents, etc. Be sure to include your sex days. Let it be once a month or twice a week – we recommend choosing a higher frequency than it is now, and at the same time the one that suits both of you psychologically. Discuss this schedule with your partner.

Determine days and times, mix them with other activities and meetings. The main thing is that this schedule must be mandatory and cannot be canceled. You can only transfer plans to another day for a limited list of reasons: poor health of your partner and/or children and circumstances beyond your control.

But what about romance and expressing passion to your partner, you ask? More on this later. Here it is important to understand that each orgasm stimulates all the hormones responsible for passion and romance. The more reasons you give for developing them, the stronger your desire. The fewer there are, the less likely it is to bring passion back into your relationship.

Add more touches

Any touch. From holding a hand to stroking and hugging. Use any moments for this – watching TV in the arms of your partner or cuddling each other. Go to massage courses. Give each other a massage, take a bath together. Sign up for dance classes or any martial arts that have sparring. Discuss with your partner what would be interesting for both of you and find a pleasant compromise for both of you.

Any touch stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin equally in both partners – both for the one who cuddles and for the one who enjoys it. This calmness hormone reduces stress levels and strengthens affection for each other, helping to renew passion.

bring passion back advice

Don’t think you know your partner

People who have been in a relationship for a long time, for some reason, begin to think that they know their partner. This misconception is a straight road to another – about predictable and boring sex. It is worth remembering that your partner is a unique person, which is impossible to comprehend fully. You can’t know everything about your close person. 

It is much more realistic to get to know your partner constantly. It is not so difficult: people change, every day gaining new experience, knowledge, emotions. Interest, curiosity is a basic emotion that gives a lot of energy for research and experiments and changes people and their lives. Sexual as well.

Learn to talk about sex

People are embarrassed to discuss what they like or not, what they expect, what they would like to fix, and ultimately remain dissatisfied. And who wants to have sex that isn’t fun? Here are the reasons to avoid sex – fatigue, bad mood, and headache. Therefore, it is important to learn how to talk with your partner about sex. Without pretensions, calmly conduct a dialogue about preferences and share what you like.

Add words of love

Remember how your first meeting happened. What were your first thoughts then? When did you realize you fell in love? Why did you fall in love with your partner? Why do you still prefer to be together now? Tell your partner about it and ask him or her to do the same. Don’t be discouraged if the words don’t work the first time. For many people, such confessions are more difficult, and you can always help each other with patience and guiding questions. Add recognition of why it is so important for you to hear these words from your soulmate.

Write each other love letters, notes, and messages. Let it be a short postscript about pleasant memories of yesterday evening after the list of foods that need to be bought in the store. It will bring lightness and tenderness to everyday life and help you get closer.

how to bring passion back

Do something new together to enrich your experience

Partners develop increased sexual desire after they start exploring new things together. And it continues to persist as long as they do something new together, helping to avoid the lack of passion.

Build a house, do gardening, discover new places while traveling, do any sport or hobby, learn languages together, start a joint business. Attend family psychologist or get relationships and love courses online, or study the development of sexual skills.

Believe that you can maintain passion if both work hard

The illusion “they lived happily ever after” has been firmly embedded in our heads since our childhood. It makes us believe that everything should always be easy, simple, and without any contribution to a relationship. And avoiding taking responsibility for oneself often causes resentment and a desire to take revenge on a loved one.

Let go of this illusion just as you have parted with your childhood. Adulthood is good because it allows us to decide what we want from ourselves and our relationships. This time was given to us to change and improve all areas of life.

Remember that people who readily agree with the idea of ​​the possible end of passion, when the intensity of feelings decreases, do not try to do anything but think that this is proof of the relationship’s death. The fire of passion can decrease and even disappear, but it is in your power to throw up some firewood and reignite the flame. A little effort, and now you are warming yourself again by the fire of passion in the arms of your beloved.


Realize that relationships are never linear. Ups and downs follow each couple in passion and understanding. The main thing is that everything negative does not turn into a storm that can destroy your feelings.

There are plenty of options to maintain relationships and increase passion. But always remember that the effort to bring back the passion takes much more than maintaining a healthy relationship atmosphere. 

The best solution to finally get out of a serious crisis is planning a joint vacation. Rent a good hotel room for two and a cozy apartment with panoramic views, where nothing will distract you from each other. We wish you good luck and believe that you will succeed in your desires!

What tips do you use for getting passion back in your marriage? Please share your experience in the comments below.

Author bio:
Aria Green is a family photographer, relationship psychology writer. A wife and a mother of two adorable kids who won’t get bored even for a minute. As for a writing passion, she loves personality psychology, helping people with advice on the relationship between a man and a woman.


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