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Top 10 Best Books: Recommendations Per Genre [2025 Update]

Top 10 Best Books: Recommendations Per Genre [2025 Update]

Are you looking for the best books? Here you will find tips and top 10 lists for finding good literature to read in 2024. You will also find the best new books here. So you’ll find both classics and current recommendations of the best literature from 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and earlier. Read along…

What are the best books and top 10 lists right now?

Criteria for compiling these recommended books

Our editors have carefully read as many as possible books about this subject. Then, they used the following criteria for choosing the best picks:

  • The literary quality of the books.
  • The amount of books sold worldwide.
  • The professional reviews in newspapers.
  • The expertise and experience from the author.
  • The quality of the examples, knowledge and practicality
  • The actuality and whether the information is useful or too old.
  • Our editor’s opinions: they have read and judged the books extensively.

Full disclosure: as Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

What are currently the best-rated books that many critics write about? Below you will find the top 10 book lists updated in 2023 including fiction, thrillers, non-fiction …

Top 10 Best Books Lists by Subject (Fiction & Nonfiction)

Below you will find current recommended lists with the best book tips per topic.

Best Books: Fiction / Novels

Best books about a more fun life

Best books to help yourself with a theme

Best books on health

Best books for business owners

Best Spiritual Books

Psychology books

Books about love and relationships

Other non-fiction book lists

Als take a look at this book website

Lastly, we recommend this book website, which covers any possible genre and category when it comes down to books.

Those were all good must-read books of the moment

We have discussed many good books to read in the near future. These must-reads are well-reviewed, popular classic books and must-read books from 2021, 2020, 2019 or earlier. Use the top ten lists in this article and choose the most beautiful books.

The top 10 lists in this article contain all the good books to read. Happy reading with these recommendations!

About The Author


Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!
