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Top 10 Christian Books (Including Novels & Informative Books) [2025 Update]

Top 10 Christian Books (Including Novels & Informative Books) [2025 Update]

Here you will find the best Christian books from Christian writers. You will find novels, scientific books and more informative Christian books here. Read along…

The top 10 best books about Christian 

Criteria for compiling these recommended books

Our editors have carefully read as many as possible books about this subject. Then, they used the following criteria for choosing the best picks:

  • The literary quality of the books.
  • The amount of books sold worldwide.
  • The professional reviews in newspapers.
  • The expertise and experience from the author.
  • The quality of the examples, knowledge and practicality
  • The actuality and whether the information is useful or too old.
  • Our editor’s opinions: they have read and judged the books extensively.

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1.How You Are Changing: A Guide for the Christian Family, for Boys 9-11 (Learning About Sex) (Learning about Sex (Paperback))

We chose this one in our top 10 because the changes that preteens experience can be very stressful. The book explains to 9- to 11-year-olds that these changes are normal and are a part of God’s perfect, unfolding plan. God knows His children and is with them every step of the way!

2.’Twas the Morning of Easter

This book is a premium picture book, telling the story of the resurrection of Jesus. It is written in a creative way that is much inspiring. In our opinion, it really tells the true story of Easter, no matter if you are young or if you are familiar with the story behind it.

3.How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science (Indescribable Kids)

This book is in our top 10 because Louie Giglio offers 100 more devotions about God and science that will expand the curiosity of your 6- to 10-year-olds. Including amazing scientific facts, beautiful photography, fun illustrations, and simple activities. It covers topics like: space and time, earth and weather, the human body, animals, plants and more!

4.What’s So Great About Christianity

We think that this book is inspiring for both believers and non-believers of Christianity. It will undoubtedly trigger you to think there is something great about this belief. The challenges that surround Christianity are clearly set out in this book, which some consider to be a useful tool kit.

5.The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus (Case for … Series)

Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? This revised and updated bestseller is in our top 10 because Lee Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools such as Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis, asking hard-hitting questions, and building a captivating case for Christ’s divinity.

6.The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

There are people who are believers but who still approach the Christian God with skepticism. We think this book was written to take away all the doubts. The author is a pastor who addresses the doubts and at the same time uses different means to explain why Christianity makes so much sense.

7.Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity

Sometimes something happens which makes you question your Christian faith. The same goes for the author of this book. One day, she came into contact with a progressive pastor. This very moment changed the way she thought about Christianity, however, she found her way back when God rescued her.

8.Christianity and World Religions Revised Edition: Questions We Ask About Other Faiths 

We consider this to be a very good read if you want to compare the major religions known in this world. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism are all considered out of the point of view of Christianity. What are the differences and what are the similarities of these faiths?

9.10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity

Going to school, or scrolling through social media feeds, teenagers are sure to face real challenges to faith in Jesus Christ. Backed by state-of-the-art research, personal stories, and careful biblical study, we think that this book doesn’t dodge tough questions. Instead, it invites teenagers to ask their hardest questions about Christianity and to find surprising, life-giving answers.

10.What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity

It can easily happen that you question Christian faith. According to us, this book provides insights into why you have chosen Christianity in the first place. Answering questions like why does it sometimes feel as a blessing and sometimes feel as a burden? We think that by reading this book you will feel passionate about Christianity again.

Bonus list: Top 10 Christian Books – (Exciting) Novels

Christian novels let you enjoy spirituality – with their deep themes and stories that are sometimes based on a true story. Below you will find a list of beautiful and exciting recommendations from the following Christian authors:

  • Thom Lemmons
  • Eline Rosenhart
  • Lynn Austin
  • Terri Blackstock
  • Lisette van de Heg
  • Elizabeth Musser
  • Francine Rivers

Have fun reading.

About The Author

Rubin Alaie

Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!