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Learn Cold Reading Tricks [5 Techniques Used By Mediums!]

Learn Cold Reading Tricks [5 Techniques Used By Mediums!]

Cold reading, a special phenomenon and very easy to learn if you practice it a little. Learn the tricks that mediums use in order to read people. this article covers the most important techniques…

Want to learn cold reading? Learn calibration (Technique 1)

Calibration is an NLP technique that forms the basis of cold reading. You remember, as it were, what kind of physical traits someone shows when someone is in a certain state of mind. Make it a habit to calibrate the people you are dealing with also for their yes and no signals: say something that is absolutely true (about the other person) and observe. Or practice by guessing: ask a question, answer for the other person and check what the no or yes response looks like . From now on you will know when someone is about to say no or yes , or when someone is incongruous when they say yes or no.

This is very useful on business occasions. You then know what people agree or disagree with, which arguments you can place extra emphasis on, which ones you let go of and which you have to refute. For a proposal: “I don’t know if this proposal already makes sense …” Calibrate / observe now . If you read a lot of positive signals, which indicate a yes signal that you have previously determined, you can immediately start a voting round. If you receive a no signal, you know there is more work to be done before you vote.

What is the #1 cold reading trick then? (Technique 2)

Learn cold reading tricks

Say something random, but what is clear and what your client agrees on. For example: “So you bought new shoes!” Then you say something they disagree with: “They’re white shoes, right?” when they are actually black. Pay close attention to their face and body language prior to their response. Then always use this to your advantage: you can predict whether people will talk negatively or positively. For example, always interrupt them when they want to use the negative.

Cold readers on TV also use this method to quickly correct themselves after guessing something wrong. They do this, for example, when they want to tell something about the personal history of the client. First, they calibrate for yes and no during a normal conversation, and of course they first make rapport, for example by pacing the client’s breathing with the movements of their imaginary crystal ball in their hands.

“As I look at the crystal ball, I see the fog moving in the crystal ball and transforming it into an important person from your past.” They pause and let the client focus on them to see who is seeing them. The cold reader then says, “The figure appears to be a man” and observes for yes or no signals! When the cold reader sees a non-verbal no, he corrects himself: “No, it’s a woman.”

He continues in this way with other questions. With 2 possible answers, he asks 1 question. With 4 possible answers, he only asks 2 questions, because you chunk first until “Does it fall below these 2?” Then you know which 2 it falls under with both yes and no, so you only have to ask one more question to finish it. With 8 answer options you need 3 questions, etc. This way cold readers can make statements such as: “He is older than you.” “He is close to you.” “He wants to be close to you.”

More Cold Reading Tricks To Learn (Techniques 3-5)

  • Anything you guess wrong, you can reframe  so that it looks correct.
  • Some mediums also make use of amnesia. Once you’ve gotten important info, it’s best to switch topics right away so that they forget  they’ve told you that information. So later you can use that information and it will seem as if you somehow ‘erased’ it.
  • Make use of 15 ‘generals’: these are things that are always true. Read it from lower logic levels . Then dress it up. ‘I have a strong intuition. I sometimes get a feeling in people: I read from you … ‘ These are some of the 15 generals for cold reading: ‘ You are …’
    – Smart (intelligent)
    – Good with people
    – Loyal (but sometimes you also disappoint people: not only positively flatter but make an ‘all answer options statement’ with the opposite also in it)
    – People can trust you
    – An honest person
    – Self-confidence
    – Practical
    – Joyful
    – Generally positive
    – Intuitive
    – Helpful
    – Another statement that is always “true”: “You have hidden talents that most people don’t know about you, and you couldn’t have fully exploited them until now.” Also have a look at the article on truisms .

And now get started with learning cold reading yourself

Good luck practicing cold reading tricks! Also read the very good explanation of the book ‘The Handbook of Psychic Cold Reading’. This book contains a complete explanation that is simple and clear.

About The Author


Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!