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Best Books About Quitting Smoking [Top 10] [2025 Update]

Best Books About Quitting Smoking [Top 10] [2025 Update]

Are you looking for a good book about quitting smoking? Here are the top 10 recommendations of self-help books to quit smoking. Read along…

The top 10 best books about quitting smoking

Criteria for compiling these recommended books

Our editors have carefully read as many as possible books about this subject. Then, they used the following criteria for choosing the best picks:

  • The literary quality of the books.
  • The amount of books sold worldwide.
  • The professional reviews in newspapers.
  • The expertise and experience from the author.
  • The quality of the examples, knowledge and practicality
  • The actuality and whether the information is useful or too old.
  • Our editor’s opinions: they have read and judged the books extensively.

Full disclosure: as Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases.

1.Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking Without Willpower – Incudes Quit Vaping: The best-selling quit smoking method updated for the 21st century

Are you finally ready to give up your smoking habit, whether it concerns regular cigarettes, cigars or other, more recent smoking options? Allen Carr is famous for this book on quitting smoking, but in this new update you will also find advice on how to stop vaping, for example. If you want to change those bad habits, but don’t have the willpower, we think this book is all you need.

2.Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking

This second book by Allen Carr is handy if you are from the US and looking for a self-help book on how to quit smoking. This bestseller has proven its effectiveness, and according to us the simplest of ways to stop smoking are often the best. That is exactly what this book will do for you.

3.Allen Carr’s Easy Way for Women to Quit Smoking: The bestselling quit smoking method of all time (Allen Carr’s Easyway, 12)

Of course there is also a third book, but this one is especially for women, as they face different obstacles when they want to stop smoking than men. In our research this is the best book on stopping smoking for women who don’t want to gain weight in the process of doing so.

4.Allen Carr’s Quit Drinking Without Willpower: Be a happy nondrinker (Allen Carr’s Easyway)

The same method used to stop smoking, is now being applied to the problem of drinking in this Easyway Series by Allen Carr. We chose this title for our top 10, because stopping with a bad habit often leads to pain and frustrations, and following Allen Carr’s advice will prevent you from experiencing these negatives, while still reaching your goal of becoming a nondrinker.

5.Freedom from Nicotine – The Journey Home

John R. Polito used to smoke at least 3 packs a day, until he stopped cold turkey. This book is unique in our opinion, because it isn’t written from the perspective of someone who will benefit from you stopping smoking. It doesn’t promote patches or things like that, it does give you all the necessary and basic information you actually need to motivate you to quit from the inside.

6.Your Personal Stop Smoking Plan: The Revolutionary Method for Quitting Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes and All Nicotine Products (Allen Carr’s Easyway)

This book is different from all the other Allen Carr books, because it demands you to take part in writing your personal story about smoking. Once you have done that, it will be easy to follow the steps needed to stop smoking without any problems or hesitations.

7.The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

Although this book is also available as a hardcover, we think the audiobook makes it extremely easy for you to stop smoking, because you only have to listen to it while you are on your way to work or doing your grocery shopping. This audiobook is narrated by Duncan Wells.

8.Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Revised Edition

Although this is a revised edition, it is from 2015. That being said, the principles of how to stop smoking with the help of Allen Carr are no different than in his first book. All the people that have already stopped smoking are clear proof that his method works.

9.The Smoking Cure: How To Quit Smoking Without Feeling Like Sh*t

This book by Caroline Cranshaw shows you the seven steps you need to take to stop smoking, without having to experience cravings and withdrawal effects. This book is in our top 10 list, because from the very first moment you stop smoking, you will also start feeling better, and what better reward could there possibly ever be?

10.Nicotine Explained: Understand why you smoke, vape or chew, and learn how to stop.

If you are someone that needs to understand why something happens, before you can address it, we think this is your book to read. Take back control of your life, by eliminating bad habits through understanding what nicotine does for your body.

Stop Smoking – The Allen Carr Method

Allen Carr’s book is the most popular because it works for everyone and because the method is so positive: quitting smoking is easy and enjoyable. Also available as an e-book.

The easy way to stop smoking (Allen Carr’s original English version)

The English version about the Allen Carr method, with which you no longer have to use willpower because you will find relief on a psychological level.

Good luck!

About The Author

Rubin Alaie

Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!