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Best Mindset Books [Top 10] [Update 2025]

Best Mindset Books [Top 10] [Update 2025]

What are the best mindset books by international authors? Books that make you smarter and with which you achieve success? Look further for a list of the best books for a positive mindset.

But first briefly: what is mindset?

Criteria for compiling these recommended books

Our editors have carefully read as many as possible books about this subject. Then, they used the following criteria for choosing the best picks:

  • The literary quality of the books.
  • The amount of books sold worldwide.
  • The professional reviews in newspapers.
  • The expertise and experience from the author.
  • The quality of the examples, knowledge and practicality
  • The actuality and whether the information is useful or too old.
  • Our editor’s opinions: they have read and judged the books extensively.

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You hear the word ‘mindset’ so often, but it is difficult to determine what people actually mean by this vague word. Let’s try here …

Mindset is the way in which your beliefs and values ​​guide your behavior. If you have positive beliefs and values, your behavior will also be positive. Mindset is also the way your thoughts direct your behavior. If you have positive thoughts with a positive focus, your behavior will also be positive.

How do you work on your mindset? There are various techniques, exercises, best practices and stories that have an effect on your thoughts, beliefs and values, improving your mindset.

A different word for mindset is mentality.

The top 10 best books about mindset

1.Leverage Your Mindset: Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Amplify Your Life!: Be Less Stressed, Be Happier, and Be More Mindful

2.Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World

3.Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

4.Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts 

5.The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

6.The Mamba Mentality: How I Play

7.Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones 

8.Growth Mindset Workbook for Kids: 55 Fun Activities to Think Creatively, Solve Problems, and Love Learning

9.A Year of Positive Thinking: Daily Inspiration, Wisdom, and Courage

10.Honestly Speaking: How the Way We Communicate Transforms Leadership, Love, and Life

More good books about mindset

At the top of the page, you were able to find the top 10 best books about mindset. Now, let’s continue with an extra list with good recommendations. The books in this list are also recommended about changing your mindset.

The Books of Mark Manson

They seem cynical books by the title, but they are actually books that teach you to adopt a positive mindset. That cynicism is precisely aimed at the nagging in life. Life is fun, and your mindset changes positively when you get cynical about all the nonsense in life, so you pay attention to the positives.

Think and grow rich

This book is tough, but it has some inspiring stories – about persistence and a rock-solid, positive mindset – that really stick.

Mindset – The new psychology of success by Carol Dweck

The subtitle of the renewed edition is: Changing The Way You Think To Fulfil Your Potential. She also announced the theory of fixed mindset and growth mindset.

Mindset – The way to a successful life

This book by Carol Dweck focuses on how we as adults can best guide youth in a successful life, using mindset.

Secrets of the millionaire mind – T. Harv Eker

T. Harv Eker should not be missing from this list of best mindset books. He uses proven mindset principles to address wealth acquisition. You will learn in this book that you have to think rich to become rich. The things you believe in are crucial factors that determine the level of your success.

The Willpower Instinct

This book – just like ‘Ons Fallible Think’ – examines the scientific aspects of our self-control and willpower.

The top 10 best books on Mindset of all time

Let’s finish with giving you our top picks on this subject. We will present you our top 10 best books about Mindset of all time. We have updated this ultimate list of our recommendations this year, including all the recent titles.

Leverage Your Mindset: Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Amplify Your Life!: Be Less Stressed, Be Happier, and Be More MindfulRicky Kalmon
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the WorldAdmiral William H. McRaven
Mindset: The New Psychology of SuccessCarol S. Dweck
Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic ThoughtsJennie Allen
The Power of Your Subconscious MindJoseph Murphy
The Mamba Mentality: How I PlayKobe Bryant
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad OnesJames Clear
Growth Mindset Workbook for Kids: 55 Fun Activities to Think Creatively, Solve Problems, and Love LearningPeyton Curley
A Year of Positive Thinking: Daily Inspiration, Wisdom, and CourageCyndie Spiegel
Honestly Speaking: How the Way We Communicate Transforms Leadership, Love, and LifeAndrew Blotky

These were the 10 best mindset books of the moment

To your success!

About The Author

Rubin Alaie

Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!


  1. 4pics

    I’ve been reading a lot of these books lately and they’ve all been really helpful. I’m definitely feeling more positive and optimistic about my life now.

  2. ImoForPc

    Great list! I’m glad to see “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck at #1. It’s a truly game-changing book that has helped me shift my perspective on achievement and growth. Can’t wait to check out the other recommendations!