Best Parenting Books: Top 10 About Parenting [2025 Update]
What are the best books on raising babies, toddlers, and older kids? Here you will find the top 10 best parenting books for these topics.
Contents of this page:
The top 10 best books about parenting
Criteria for compiling these recommended books
Our editors have carefully read as many as possible books about this subject. Then, they used the following criteria for choosing the best picks:
- The literary quality of the books.
- The amount of books sold worldwide.
- The professional reviews in newspapers.
- The expertise and experience from the author.
- The quality of the examples, knowledge and practicality
- The actuality and whether the information is useful or too old.
- Our editor’s opinions: they have read and judged the books extensively.
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1.The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind
We chose this one in our top 10 because it contains revolutionary strategies in relation to the brain development of children. We think that the strategies that are set out in this book will help you as a parent to contribute to the developing mind of your child.
2.The Newborn Handbook: Your Guide to Bringing Home Baby
Becoming a first-time mom can be challenging and perhaps a little scary. We chose this one in our top 10 because we think that it will guide first-time moms through this process. It starts out with the first weeks of your newborn and gradually moves towards the first three months.
3.Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, 7th Edition: Birth to Age 5
Undoubtedly, every parent wants to give his or her child the best care. This book is our pick, because it is a useful guide to help you with that. It covers all the relevant topics and it is not without reason that it is recommended by professionals in this area.
4.How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk (The How To Talk Series)
If you are looking for a more rewarding relationship with your child this book is the one you should pick. We think that it contains fresh insights and that it offers you useful tools. It will surely improve the communication between you as a parent and your child.
5.How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids: A Practical Guide to Becoming a Calmer, Happier Parent
Some parents feel guilty if they lose their patience with their child. We think that this book will help you during those moments where you tend to lose your self-control. It offers you tips and a pragmatic approach in order for you to become a calmer parent.
6.No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind
Highlighting the fascinating link between a child’s neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehavior, in our opinion this book provides an effective, compassionate road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and tears—without causing a scene. The authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions, and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth.
7.The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children
What’s an explosive child? A child who responds to routine problems with extreme frustration. Crying, screaming, hitting, spitting, and worse. We chose this one in our top 10 because Dr. Greene provides a new conceptual framework for understanding their difficulties. Explaining why traditional parenting often doesn’t work with these children and what to do instead.
8.Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans
This book is our pick because Doucleff sets out with her three-year-old daughter in tow to learn parenting strategies from families in three of the world’s most venerable communities: Maya families in Mexico, Inuit families above the Arctic Circle, and Hadzabe families in Tanzania. These cultures don’t have the same problems with children that Western parents do.
9.The Invisible String
Does everybody have an Invisible String? Does it ever go away? According to us, this heartwarming picture book for all ages explores questions about the intangible yet unbreakable connections between us. Parents, educators, therapists, and social workers alike have declared The Invisible String the perfect tool for coping with all kinds of separation anxiety, loss, and grief.
10.Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know
Teen health expert Dr. Meg Meeker explains why an active father figure is maybe the single most important factor in a young woman’s development. We think that this invaluable guide shows how a father can be both counsel and protector for his daughter as she grows into a spiritually and mentally strong young woman.
What kind of books can you find in these top 10 parenting books?
This top 10 list contains books for every stage of a child’s life: it deals with education for your baby, toddler, toddler and older children. You will find books with tips, anecdotes and books that specifically address communication with children, for example.
Bonus Book Recommendation: Jo Frost’s Confident Baby Care
Do you remember super nanny Jo Frost from TV? Her two books are ideal for toddlers. A special book for a baby’s development in the first year is ” Jo Frost’s Confident Baby Care .”
Popular at the moment: The Gordon Method
Lastly, the books about the Gordon Method on parenting are very popular and highly recommended.