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The 4 Elements: All Character Traits & Properties

What is the meaning of the four elements: air, fire, earth and water? What are the character traits and characteristics of these four elements? You can find this theory in this article. Read along…
Contents of this page:
Characteristics of the element Air
- Air people give us options. They say, “You know, there is another way, another option.”
- Air people are teachers.
- They love information. They always take notes (but never read them. They take them!). Nothing is internalized with air people.
- They invent new things! Silicon Valley is full of air people. Without them, we were still in the Middle Ages.
- They help our consciousness develop.
- They buy all the books but don’t read them.
- They don’t silence their phones because they don’t want to miss anything.
- They are messengers: they are going to get the information first and then they are going to give the information.
More keywords for air people:
- Knowledge.
- Non judgmental.
- Flexible.
- Analysis.
- Continue to ask questions (and what else?).
Characteristics of the element Fire
- Fire people do something to make things change.
- They want Action! ‘Get moving! Just do it! Don’t just sit there! ‘ (That doesn’t go very well with Earth people. They’ll say, “What do you mean …”)
- They are the catalyst.
More keywords for fire people:
- Confront.
- Mirror.
- Motivating.
- Inspire.
- With yourself.
Characteristics of the element Earth
- Earth people calm us.
- If you find something exciting, they are always the ones to say, “Sit down.”
- Grounding is: getting your energy low. Energy is where your attention is.
More keywords for Earth people:
- Purposefulness.
- Watch the time.
- Give homework.
- Moving forward in steps.
- Ground yourself. Click here to learn how.
Characteristics of the element Water
- A water person opens your heart.
- A water person teaches you compassion and says, “I hear you, I feel your pain, I care about you. How can I help?’
- They are very sensitive: they feel everything .
- They mirror you. Their lips even move with you when you talk to them.
- They don’t say, “Sit down.” But they say, “Sit on my lap, I’m going to comfort you.”
- They always cry: when they are happy, when they are sad, at music, at movies, at the buffet! They are therefore always ready for others with Kleenex.
More keywords for water people:
- Open.
- Empathetic.
- With the other.
- Listening.
These were all the characteristics of the four elements in outline
Have fun recognizing these elements in your daily life with the people you interact with!