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Anticipation Builders: Great Technique & Tricks For Desire

Anticipation Builders: Great Technique & Tricks For Desire

You are looking for anticipation building techniques and tricks to build tension. When you tell a story or when you guide someone, e.g. as a coach, you can use the techniques in this article well. The main technique you will learn is to use anticipation builders. Read along!

What’s the best way to build tension? Use anticipation builders!

As you build tension, you are increasing the response potential of your audience and making desire stronger. This means that you sometimes intentionally be a bit reluctant to arouse the interest a little more. This allows you to build up a lot of response potential. So do not give away specific information too quickly. First, make your audience curious. In the following sections, we will give you the anticipation builders that you can use in your stories.

Anticipation Building Techniques: Build response potential at the start of your session

The techniques below to build tension are very suitable for a coaching session, for example. Then also look at the next paragraph to build up tension in general situations.

  • “Both feet must touch the ground so you can ground yourself – and the arms and legs must not be crossed so that the energy passing through you can flow and there are no blockages in your body. The left and right hemispheres of the brain can also make contact with each other more easily.”
  • ‘Close your eyes.’
  • “Just take a total of three deep breaths through your stomach, and feel it well in your stomach.” Being aware of your breathing takes attention away from thinking and creates space.
  • Always go first so lead this too! If the client hears your breathing first, he will automatically follow. Moreover, as a coach you also badly need this.

Anticipation Building Techniques: Build response potential with even more anticipation builders

Below you will find many more techniques to build tension.

  • Don’t give up everything right away. Build up the practice and always deliver your encouragements little by little.
  • “You don’t have to go into a trance until your unconscious is ready and you don’t go into a trance until the unconscious is ready.”
  • If necessary, use an old trusted yes set before you start the exercises. Then you subconsciously get more cooperation from your client. For example, ask,
    “Are your feet firmly on the ground?”
    “Do you understand visualization?”
    “Do you have good imagination?”
    “Are you ready for a great experience?”
    “OK, close your eyes and take a deep breath through your stomach.”
  • I don’t do much about x … Maybe tomorrow but I’m not sure.
  • I am very thorough and precise and I have to check a lot before we start.
  • Something in an envelope or box that should not be opened yet. Include the following words in your story:
  • Not yet…
  • Soon …
  • In the end…
  • Over time …
  • Slow (think intonation) …
  • Little by little…
  • In a moment …
  • Calm … Not too fast …
  • Sooner or later…
  • Finally…
  • I would tell you, but then you probably tell everyone else.
  • Oh, you probably don’t really want to know.

These were the anticipation builders! The Witch Doctor Effect is also an example of this.

About The Author


Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!