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Self-Hypnosis Guide [How-To] Learn Hypnotic Suggestions

Self-Hypnosis Guide [How-To] Learn Hypnotic Suggestions

Do you want to learn self hypnosis to be able to give  hypnotic suggestions to yourself (and to others)? In this article, we’re going to learn exactly how to give hypnotic suggestions to yourself. In addition, you can use exactly the same instructions with others. Read on and learn all about self-hypnosis …

Here you are going to learn the self-hypnosis technique – but a few notes first

Before you start, it’s good to know a few things:

  • In this article, you will initially learn the self-hypnosis technique to apply on  yourself, but the same steps can be used to apply it to  someone else .
  • We prefer to influence our state of mind through (self) hypnosis  . That is more powerful than influencing behavior . For example, we activate self-confidence, calmness or guts, instead of presenting, flirting or selling. Because in self-confidence, calmness and guts, presenting, flirting or selling can be expressed much more powerfully.
  • In this article you learn to influence yourself or someone else through the conscious brain – through a conversation – and then through the unconscious brain – through a trance – in order to change the state of mind of the other person.

While you learn to use this technique in a conscious way, you can also find out for yourself how you can also use it for unconscious hypnotic influencing of other people.

Do you want to learn the self-hypnosis technique? First we will look at an overview of all steps

unconscious influence

In summary, you will work towards submitting hypnotic suggestions to learn to hypnotize yourself or someone else consciously or unconsciously in the following manner. Below you will find the steps in brief, and in the following paragraphs we zoom in on the specific steps.

The green-colored steps are the most important and will be covered in detail in this article.

  1. Possibly bring yourself or the other person  into a relaxing trance to have already introduced the feeling of hypnosis. This first step can be important because it is good to have yourself or someone else in a relaxed state of mind with hypnosis.
  2. Prepare the desired mood by using  subliminal priming  .
  3. Absorb the attention
  4. Avoid the critical factor
  5. Activate a subconscious response:  This is the actual administering of a hypnotic suggestion (discussed in this article), such as stirring up a source of state of mind in the client. Be the first to add a relaxation state of mind . Then add the desired frame of mind that is needed for the client in that session.
  6. Boost the mood and make it more intense.
  7. Lead that to the desired outcome through a post-hypnotic suggestion: make a link to a call to action. Or continue from here with an NLP intervention.
  8. Get out of exercise completely.
  9. Leading to a neutral state of mind (pattern interruption).
  10. Future Pace.
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What is the formula you will learn for hypnotic suggestions to yourself?

Below you will find the four-step formula for making hypnotic suggestions, to yourself or to others. These steps reflect steps 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the above list. How does the installation of hypnotic suggestions, such as source of mood states go? In short, installing hypnotic suggestions (e.g. healing words) in yourself or another person consists of 4 steps:


Step 1 – Absorb the attention

You can now come up with something to focus on. For example, “While sitting there, I want you to stare at a spot on the wall.” You can also give this instruction to yourself if you are doing self-hypnosis.

Step 2 – Bypassing the Critical Factor

Now we are going to interrupt that pattern of that focus . As a result, the conscious attention (the critical factor) goes to that pattern interruption. This can be done in a harsh way – for example by suddenly saying something crazy – or in a soft way.

Example of a gentle way: “And as you stare at that place, you can realize that you can do exactly what you did when you first went to school and learned the numbers and letters of the alphabet.” In this example, we diverted the client to another time and place, bypassing the critical factor.

Step 3 – Activate the subconscious response

Now that the critical factor is preoccupied or confused with the pattern break, the gate to the subconscious is wide open. So now you can move on to actually administering the hypnotic suggestion.

You can now do this freely because the critical factor has been bypassed. For example, “You are learning … Learning about something you don’t know yet. And although you don’t realize it yet, your breathing has already changed …”

Step 4 – Integrate with the desired outcome in future context (post-hypnotic suggestion)

You can also let that hypnotic suggestion go about the future. So a post-hypnotic suggestion : “And you become more {desired mood} and more {other desired mood} at the times when you need it.” This will be discussed in a subsequent article.

Below we will go into more detail about the implementation of the first three steps. You will then find a link to the implementation of step 4.

Self-hypnosis Step 1 | Absorb attention


One of the first steps of any kind of leading – in this case, leading to moods – is absorbing the client ‘s attention . It is often said that the focus of attention is the gateway to trance.

So focus the attention of the person to be hypnotized on one task or one observation. If you do this for self-hypnosis, you focus your own attention on one task or perception.

Focusing on a particular person, subject, emotion or task is immediately a handy truism that you can use for relaxation: everyone gets tired when their eyes are focused on something for a long time. Here are some examples of absorbing attention.

  • By having strong eye contact you also absorb attention.
  • Which hand is lighter?
  • Fix your eyes on a point. And as you fixate on that point, at some point you notice that your eyes are still with a complete fixation and attention on that point, and while you have this complete concentration on that point, I want you to feel a certain fatigue in your eyes, and feel the total relaxation that closing your eyes brings to you, for while you are relaxing, you can slowly begin to go into a trance. And the more you feel that relaxation, the more you can go into a trance, and the more you go into a trance, the better you feel, and the better you feel, the deeper and deeper you go. Right.

Self-hypnosis Step 2 | Bypassing Critical Factor


Even before you start leading to a desired state of mind, make sure that you ‘engage’ the critical factor, or the client’s consciousness, with something else, so that the subconscious is wide open to your suggestions. Let the client be distracted from her model of the world, for example through distraction, surprise, doubt, or confusion.

The most common recommended way during an NLP intervention is to orient someone to a different time and space . This is an ‘under the radar’ way to get around the critical factor, because it’s not something crazy. You do this by inviting the client to bring to mind an experience in which he already showed that he has state of mind x. If you choose this way, you are actually doing steps 2 and 3 at the same time.

Then you go straight to step 3 to plant the seed with your healing (desired state of mind) or to activate a subconscious response. Emotions and moods are a subconscious response. In most cases, relaxation is a nice general state of mind to start with.

Note: If this happens after the intake interview, you have already extensively paced the current problem or current unwanted state of mind . So now you can lead with step 3. However, if you want to quickly use this technique in a normal conversation, make sure you have shown enough empathy for the current state of mind before you want to divert to a positive state of mind.

Self-hypnosis Step 3 | Generating the desired state of mind with conscious effort


Generating moods is done when you want to use the sources or negative experiences from someone’s past for an NLP intervention. In addition, you can arouse moods in yourself for a coaching session, or for another important moment.

The most important technique for consciously arousing moods is to talk about an experience in which it has occurred before . Have you ever had that experience before? This is based on the NLP principle that everyone already has all the sources in them and has shown them at some point. If you are talking about a painful experience at the dentist, you can touch your cheek: “And then you will feel it right here.” In addition, there are many more ways in which you can do this. In the following ways you awaken a new state of mind …

Click here for the steps (they are at the bottom) to consciously generate a state of mind so that you or someone else comes to a certain feeling.

Self-hypnosis repetition Step 3 | Generating the desired state of mind with  unconscious effort (giving hypnotic suggestions)

Now we are going to repeat steps 1 – 3 for an unconscious way of inducing the desired mood.

Until now, the client was very consciously engaged in evoking the state of mind. So it is now useful to let the client sink into a deep trance for a moment so that we can administer the desired state of mind with hypnotic suggestions.

We start by repeating steps 1-3 for relaxation


Do you remember the first steps?

  • Any extra step in advance:  Announce the trance. Tell them that the client will go into a trance in a moment. Also say with which word that will happen. “In a moment you will hear ‘sleep,’ which means that you close your eyes and go into hypnosis.”
  • Step 1: Absorb attention.
  • Step 2: Bypass Critical Factor
  • Step 3: Bring the client into relaxation / trance. Use the agreed command that you previously announced to the client. For example, “Sleep.” Make the relaxation firmer with the tips from this article.

Step 3 repeated again, but now for the desired state of mind

In total you do this step three times, of which this is the last. 1st time: conscious desired state. 2nd time: relaxation unconsciously through trance. 3rd time: desired state unconsciously via trance. We are now going to do that third and last time.

In this step we are going to administer the healing / encouraging words of the desired situation and the desired resources to the client. Use exactly the words that the client had told in the intake interview and in the conscious execution of step 3, in combination with Milton language.  Using the following exercises, we will learn to use Milton language to provide desired mood states as hypnotic suggestions to the client.

Now use your Milton language, among other things, to perform the actual hypnotic suggestion. A nice basis for installing encouraging words through vague language is the use of  unspecified verbs in combination with nominalizations. You can learn how to apply this at the bottom of the article about the milton model. You will learn this step by step. You can also use other ways to induce a state of mind.

Before we go to step 4, for post-hypnotic suggestions, let’s boost the state with some more suggestions!

unconscious influence

Now that you have the desired state of mind float through a hypnotic suggestion, you can begin to reinforce the state of mind.

Strengthening a state of mind, with many NLP exercises, there comes a point where that can happen. After you induce a state of mind in the conscious version of Step 3 (usually by visiting a memory with that state of mind and saying, ‘See what you see, hear what you hear, and feel what you feel’), the intention is often to strengthen him. Here you will find tools to do this.

  • Make the feeling bigger.
    Make the feeling even bigger.
  • Better get in.
  • Connect yourself even more with it, you feel more and more attracted to it.
  • I want you to see these feelings flowing through your body as a source of energy. Give these feelings an energy color. It doesn’t matter what the color is. Now I want you to double the intensity and clarity. Double the intensity and double the brightness!
  • You may notice the {moods} more strongly now, and that {purple} color is getting more intense, and those {moods} flow all the way through your body, all the way from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. And your body feels it completely.
  • Feel the {states of mind}, feel them very well. How does it feel?
  • The submodalities  strengthen as a director: “You can see that whole experience for you, and you can see the whole scene extending itself before your eyes, it comes towards you.” The permissive style is also a useful tool here. Question the submodalities of the experience of a particular mood, experiment with changing submodalities, and implement the changes if they do indeed enhance the mood.
  • Feel that powerful emotion surround you as it flows throughout your body. Breathe in the feeling. Really experience that event. Enjoy it fully and completely. ‘
  • You can question and amplify the shape, color and more submodalities of the feeling of the state of mind in the body. This task also keeps the conscious brain sweet so that you can give more suggestions to the subconscious.
  • You feel an infinite source of {states of mind} on your head, and it is poured into your body. It fills you and it heals you completely. And it even overflows.
  • Brighter, more pure.
  • Feel it in your soul, feel it in your blood. Feel them rush through your veins.
  • Feel it fill your body from your toes to your fingertips.
  • It warms you, fills up your whole body and makes you sparkle from head to toe and gives you a powerful feeling.
  • Let the feeling flow completely through you.
  • Hear, see and feel {the experience} and feel the {states of mind} in your body. Visualize that moment. Be there. Breathe as you breathed then. Get back into the rhythm and the feeling. Feel how you felt.
  • Think of a time when you {experience} and it felt really, really good! Go there again. Feel it, feel the rhythm, let the feeling take off completely. Very well.
  • Enjoy the feeling while realizing how strong it is within you.
  • Return to it intensively, see what you saw then, hear what you heard and feel what you felt.
  • And you have your own personal history. you grew up and went to school. You met people on that journey. Some you got along with, some not and some in between.
  • And the moment YOU NOTICE THAT THINGS ARE MORE AND MORE THEMSELVES, you could also realize more and more that {moods} naturally belong to you.
  • It is very natural to feel something like that.
  • in {mood} always make the same gesture to make an anchor.
  • Everyone can {relax}.
    Can you imagine how {relaxed} you can be?
    Now I want you to find out for yourself that {relaxing} is very normal for you.
  • And it can just happen more and more of itself.
  • Affirm:
    You are a {powerful} person.
    You are a {valuable} person.
    You are a person who believes in his own strength, in his own skills.
  • You’ve been listening to the sound of my voice for the past … minutes and you know exactly what it’s like to have {moods}.
  • And it gets easier as more and more beautiful memories come.
  • Allow these {states of mind} to bubble up. Allow yourself to be there completely, experience it in the first position, associated. Feel them sit and spread out in your body, enjoy them fully.
  • Use some ambiguities:
    You know what you need. Because You know, you know, what you need is {states of mind}, now.
    Think of all those good things YOU BECOME … {STATE OF MIND} is a very beautiful thing.
    That you have that {state of mind} is really something to celebrate. And you are going to celebrate that {state of mind}, and I want to celebrate that too, I think I also celebrate that four, three, two, one, CELEBRATE THAT YOU HAVE THAT {STATE OF MIND}!
  • And the {state of mind} you are feeling now is something you can remember with your body, for the feeling you have grows from this {anchor}, and when you return to this {anchor} the feeling can come back, right?
  • Send wave after wave of {state of mind} through your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and your fingertips.
  • Take that feeling and make it stronger.
  • Double the feeling, double the intensity. And again … And double it again … And you may think it can’t be done, but yes: double the feeling again.
  • The more you pay attention to that feeling, the more it will grow independently. And the more it grows independently, the more powerful it becomes. Now you don’t have to pay any attention to it because these kinds of feelings have a habit of growing independently.

Self-Hypnosis Step 4 – You Have Now Learned to Hypnotize! And now? Step 4: Provide Post-Hypnotic Suggestions!

Now that you have given a regular hypnotic suggestion (namely, administering a mood), you can begin giving a post-hypnotic suggestion . You have now finished learning (self) hypnosis, but you can certainly reinforce it with post-hypnotic suggestions. Click on the corresponding article. Good luck finishing your self-hypnosis!

About The Author


Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!


  1. Anonymous

    I have a question: What commands do I have to execute if I want someone to hit a ball in their power, let’s say …

  2. Rubin Alaie

    This can be done in dozens of ways.

    You can pull him / her out of the chair, wrestle for a while, have push ups or let him / her lift you.

    And / or

    You can literally say: feel how your strength increases. Notice how you become stronger and stronger in your power.

    And / or

    You can convey it indirectly by telling a metaphor / quote: Marietje discovered that she suddenly felt invincible. She said to herself: Wow Marietje, YOU ARE STILL IN YOUR STRENGTH.

    From the second half of this article you will find all the ways