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The Journey (Brandon Bays) 2025: All Info & Intensive Workshop Signup

On this page you will learn everything about the method and registration options for the training: The Journey by Brandon Bays. The official name is: ‘The Journey, a practical guide to healing your life and setting yourself free’. You can also learn this method from Brandon Bays in 2025 in her event called “The Journey Intensive”. This is the most informative and substantive page about Journey Therapy and the seminars.
Contents of this page:
Handy information about training courses & workshops of The Journey
Are you looking for a Journey Therapy training? The main training of The Journey is called ‘The Journey Intensive’ and is given by Brandon Bays herself through The Journey Intensive events. This is an integral training, but after you have completed The Journey Intensive, you can possibly follow various follow-up courses about The Journey.
Most chosen option: Brandon Bays’ The Journey Intensive in 2025
Actually, Brandon Bays is focussing mainly on giving The Journey Intensive trainings. Scroll further down for more information about the methodology and training of The Journey with Brandon Bays. Further on in this page you will find all the information, but if you want to register directly for the 2025 edition, you can do so here with a special discount.
The highest possible promotional code of 50 euros discount is always automatically applied via the confidential link above . It is therefore not possible to enter an additional discount code . The lowest possible price to learn from Brandon Bays in the Netherlands is therefore 545 euros.
Alternative Options are not available anymore
Since some years, Brandon Bays has completely stopped with organising in-person-events. Everything is now on-live. It is completely live, but it is online.
Also keep reading on the page where you are now. At the bottom of this page you will find a taste of the written techniques of The Journey, but let’s start at the top of this article at the beginning … What is The Journey actually?
>> If you want to register directly for the 2025 edition, you can do so here with a special discount
What is The Journey, or Journey therapy ?
The Journey of healing is an effective and inspiring method for (self) healing. The Journey was developed by Brandon Bays, and it’s not just a philosophy – it also offers practical steps, techniques, and meditations you can perform to get issues like stress and ‘fakeness’ out of your life once and for all.
For example, with one of the techniques of The Healing Journey, the intention is to fall deeper and deeper through your emotional layers, in order to reach your essence: an all-encompassing feeling of joy.
A short Brandon Bays ‘Wiki’ – Who is she?
In 1992, the creator of The Healing Journey, Brandon Bays, was diagnosed with a large growth in her abdomen (tumor). This diagnosis stimulated her to develop a method of self-healing. Seven weeks later, her tumor was completely gone, without drugs, without surgery.
Since then she has been able to help thousands of people free themselves from physical complaints, emotional blockages and limiting thoughts. Brandon Bays has collaborated with great masters such as Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins and Wayne Dyer.
What is the essence behind why The Healing Journey works?
The core on which The Journey is based has to do with the memory of the cells of your body . If you are doing The Healing Journey, you are tackling that cell memory: you are cleaning it so that in the days that follow, new cells can arise that are very healthy. These new cells are no longer affected by old unprocessed memories.
In other words, experiences that are not processed properly will remain in your body. This can eventually lead to emotional and even physical problems. The simple, yet incredibly powerful, Journey method helps you to let go of old pain and thus heal your body and mind.
The core of The Healing Journey can therefore be captured in two powers:
- Showing your true nature. You can let yourself be by processing your past emotions and being able to live free from the past in the here and now. You get in touch with your emotions, instead of putting on a mask or a wall so that you ‘behave’ neatly for the outside world without emotion.
- Harnessing the power of innovation: we are always new. Our character is new every moment and our body is constantly renewed.
With The Healing Journey you process old emotions and events
If you have already tried everything but you keep falling back into old habits, it may be because you have not yet been busy with fully processing old emotions and events.
How can you do that, process that? Among other things with love and forgiveness. From now on we grant you that you will not try to change yourself: learn to embrace who you are and learn a number of new strategies that The Journey method offers you. They work so well because unprocessed things are finally released, clearing the cell memory.
From which 3 methodologies and techniques did The Journey arise?
The Journey uses 3 methodologies, which combine it all in one long intervention for an explosive effect:
- NLP . To be precise, use is made of: Change Personal History, Reimprinting and Time Line Therapy®, (Drop Down Through Technique & Reframing by saving lessons from old events). Brandon Bays was an NLP practitioner and you could argue that The Journey is Brandon’s own NLP technique.
- Hypnosis: deepening the trance.
- Spiritual concepts: forgiving the other, expressing an intention / prayer and using The Source of Unconditional Love.
Are there also Journey therapists?
It is easy to find therapists who use the Journey Healing method. If you would like to contact our own experienced Journey coach to see if she is right for you, mail to secretariaat@hetnlpcollege.nl. Then we will send you the contact details of this attentive Travel Healing Therapist.
For whom is The Healing Journey suitable?
According to The Journey Netherlands, everyone is welcome at The Journey. If you are that person who has already tried everything, tried to change himself several times but keeps falling back into old habits, then the Journey is a gift for yourself. Because luckily there is a choice. A choice to now make the switch from ‘fake to real’, from ‘absent and busy’ to ‘present and relaxed’.
And specifically: the 3-day ‘The Journey Intensive’?
The Healing Journey (The 3-day Journey Intensive) is suitable for everyone: beginners and advanced, young and old. After such a 3-day Journey Intensive you can feel that emotional blockages transform, physical complaints dissolve and themes around relationships, bad habits, health, addiction, self-confidence, fear and depression disappear. All this in a safe and inspiring atmosphere. An incredibly powerful method that you can use for yourself and others for the rest of your life.
>> If you want to register directly for the 2025 edition, you can do so here with a special discount
What does the Journey method do for me?
Perhaps there are times when the stress runs through your body. What would it be like if you could convert the ‘hustle and bustle’ or ‘tension’ that you may feel now into more peace, more freedom, more attention and more life?
Above all, The Healing Journey is primarily a way in which you remove masks, walls and protection for your authentic self. This will bring you to your true emotions. You will actually express these emotions, so that all unusable masks and personas will disappear.
When you commit to applying the philosophy and techniques of The Journey , everything will change for you in the short term. You feel better, you are healthier, you are in balance, you are more present and you start to feel calmer and happier. This is because the cell memory is cleaned, so that new, healthy cells start to develop.
I too have experienced surprising results after training and private coaching.
Rubin Alaie: Scars of years are gone! My skin is smooth again. I’m shocked.
Mijn coach: So miracles do happen, when you heal from within. Well done Ruben! ✨🙏🏻🌟 & that’s in ONE session. You obviously had a big prayer 😍.
Brandon Bays Workshops and Training (What is the ‘The Journey Intensive’ seminar?)
The Journey is the method, we already know that. But what is The Journey Intensive? You will learn that in this section. The Journey Intensive is the first step you can take to experience The Journey of Healing in seminar form, so you really learn it thoroughly.
The 3-day Journey Intensive with Brandon Bays is a carefully developed program, in which you learn to discover and use your full inner potential. During these three days you will let go of emotions, you will look at limiting beliefs and other unhealthy conditioning. You will learn how past events and causes affect your health and how you can transform and transform them powerfully.
These 3-day seminars offer a safe and inspiring atmosphere. The Journey of healing is an incredibly powerful method that you can use – for yourself and others – for the rest of your life. That is why such a Journey Intensive is recommended. You can read how to register in the next section.
There are also various follow-up training courses, for example to become a Journey Practitioner. Information about this will be distributed at the end of the Journey Intensive.
How can I register for The Journey Intensive in 2025?
Do you want to process your theme from your life once and for all? Brandon Bays often comes to the Netherlands. Also in 2025, so do you want to learn directly from Brandon Bays? Then join The Journey Intensive. This is organized by The Journey Netherlands. The available data in the Netherlands can be found by clicking on the link below. Have you already done the Journey Intensive? Then you can follow the same link and then click on ‘Advanced Level Events’ for a follow-up training.
Participate? Take advantage of The Journey’s special offer (via this link)
Ready to master the powerful Journey method? To get the most out of yourself and live your life in freedom, spontaneity, pleasure and inner peace? You can register by clicking on the following link:
Click here for more information about all Journey Intensives
In this 3-day immersion you will get Brandon’s knowledge completely at your disposal. The 3-day course gives you so much knowledge and practical experience about The Journey that you can use this powerful method – for yourself and others – for the rest of your life.
Brandon Bays Books, PDF and Other Resources
Below you will find the book of The Journey, together with other books by Brandon Bays. She is a very eloquent speaker and writer, which helps a lot in reading. That is why so many people love Brandon’s books. There is even a version of The Healing Journey for children.
In addition to books, there are a number of other interesting resources:
- The six-week online version of the Journey method starts several times a year. Here you can participate in the new online edition.
- There are also a number of free resources available. Here you can download the ebook version of Brandon Bays’ book for free as a PDF and here you will find a guided meditation of The Journey so you can already experience an aspect of the method.
- Click here for experiences about The Journey Intensive.
And the next three-day live event in the Netherlands is the biggest immersion.
>> If you want to register directly for the 2025 edition, you can do so here with a special discount
The techniques of The Healing Journey – Step by step, a tip of the veil …
How does the healing journey method work? How are the meditations and techniques going? In the coming paragraphs you can already get a feeling about how the meditations of The Journey are going.
You will notice that these techniques are based on NLP techniques, among other things, since Brandon Bays is an NLP developer. An important note here is that the author of this page has described the techniques in his own words.
Preparatory meditation: A guided meditation ‘The Friendly Welcome’
This is one of the newer additions to The Healing Journey. The Friendly Welcome is a ‘pre-frame’ that aims to prepare you to let your masks and walls fall away, so that you can feel your emotions fully and authentically. You use The Friendly Welcome until you experience a strong emotion. As soon as that happens, you can immediately stop The Friendly Welcome and immediately continue with a main technique of The Journey.
- Sometimes we can find it a bit challenging to feel our emotions. That is natural. So let’s just take a moment to turn in, to open ourselves up so that we can experience what is here now.
- So you can kindly close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths … And out … And let your body soften, open and relax … While it softens your face … Relaxes the corners of your mouth … The chest softens … The door to your own heart opens … Your stomach relaxes and soothes … Your pelvis … Your thighs … Your legs … just let your whole body relax and open. The doors to your heart open left, right, in front and behind you. All masks and walls go out of the room.
- Then let your consciousness expand, while it allows your heart to be as wide as the whole world – Let that space of consciousness stretch far in front of you … Stretch beyond you boundless … Infinitely in all directions … You become one space of love. And just rest like an open sky full of all acceptance.
- Welcome all your emotions into this vast heaven of acceptance … All the feelings you have ever felt … Even the emotions of your ancestors … That’s how vast your love is.
- Now direct your consciousness inward, into your body. Your body, your being, is like a container, a barrel full of all kinds of emotions, all kinds of feelings … And our feelings are like little children – some are loud and require a lot of attention, others are calm and past, and still others have hidden themselves far away behind covers or closed doors. They may not trust you anymore because they have been rejected so many times … So you may want to apologize for your feelings and let them know that you will be open for the change, that you will start listening, that you she will and that you will feel whatever comes up.
- Now find an area of your body where you feel some tension, contraction, or cramping. And breathe but just in that area, so you let it overflow with your love, your acceptance … With what you make it soft and open … and if there is an emotion would be, I wonder what it would are? … Some of our feelings are very subtle, so welcome whatever is there.
- Or maybe there is no feeling, but a picture that comes to mind. If so, how does the picture make you feel? Or if this area could speak and had words what would it say? How does that make you feel? Just welcome whatever is here and what is not here. {Name the emotion}
- Where in your body does that feeling grip you most strongly? {Write down the emotion and where it is strongest.} Just allow this emotion to become even fuller …
- Now put yourself in a neutral state of mind and find another area where there could be a little tension, stress, holding or hiding. Here too you overflow it with your own love, your own acceptance and if a feeling were to arise now, what would that feeling be? {Take the time to answer this.} Or if there were words what would it say? How do these words make you feel? {Give it some time.} Or if there was a picture, how does that picture make you feel? … Or maybe there is a lid or a door. If there is a lid, just feel how you pull the lid back and ask yourself, what am I covering? What am I hiding from? Just open yourself up to whatever shows up. How does that make you feel? {Take your time, write it down.} Where does it come in the strongest? {Write it down.
- Thank you. Put yourself in a neutral state.
- Do the same with a third area where there is some tension, stress, holding or hiding.
- Which of all these three emotions is the strongest for you now? {Use this emotion for one of The Journey’s main techniques.}
Main Technique 1: The Emotional Journey
Part 1 of The Emotional Journey: Drop down (falling through the emotions)
- {You start by discovering the first layer.} What feeling arises? {Let the client name the emotion.} Just allow this feeling to flow completely … It can be allowed to come even stronger … Fall through the emotion. Let it swallow you. Let the emotion be there. Well done, and so on. Just breathe. Shout through it. Just scream through it. Fall through, fall through, fall through. Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall through it. Now surround the feeling with your own love, your own acceptance … And feel yourself opening gently, right in the very core of it, as you ask yourself, ‘What’s at the core of this feeling, at the center of it? What is at the heart of this feeling? Or what’s underneath … Or what rises from it? Which emotion is greater than yourself? And just stay there … What’s in there?
- {The answer introduces the next layer. Let the client name the feeling and write it down}. Where do you feel this most strongly? {Write down the location in the body.} If any persons or images come up, let me know (where did you first experience that grief?) And if not, stick with the feeling. {If a person or image comes to mind, add a mark. This is the emotional layer that will be processed later in the next part, ‘Het Kampvuur’.}
- {We are still on the second layer and we are looking for the third layer.} Now just allow this feeling to fully flow … Welcome it all the way. As the feeling becomes stronger and more complete, you ask yourself: what’s at the core … Or underneath? And then surround it with your own love, your own acceptance … And feel yourself opening up to the core of it and just stay there … What’s in there? What emerges? What’s deeper than this? {Write down the feeling.}
- {We’ve got to the third layer.} Great. Where in your body do you feel this most strongly? Are people or images also emerging? {If a person or image comes to mind, add a mark. This is the emotional layer that will be processed later in the next part, ‘Het Kampvuur’.}
- {Continue like this – you do this by continuously repeating steps 3 and 4 from this point on – until you end up in the ‘unknown zone’.}
- {This is the step of the unknown zone: Limbo. You skip this step if there is no unknown zone, but if the ‘source state’ – the next step – is entered immediately}. Great, you are in the unknown zone, and you know what to do: just relax and welcome it. It’s just another layer … Tell me how it is … Are there any limits, or does it just go on and on? Describe it …
- Also fall through this unknown zone. What slowly enters this endless field of nothingness, this emptiness? What is seeping in now? What’s coming through the cracks and pores? What’s starting to get through this?
- {The answer to the previous question is usually something such as: light, love, peace, calm, or some other label for the core state. Another indication that you know you are there is that this feeling is everywhere, and not just in the stomach, for example. Sometimes The Source does not come immediately, but there are intermediate steps of positive emotions, which you can also fall through until you reach The Source.} {Write down this answer – the core state of The Source. You are now done with the Drop Down. You can go directly to the next part of the Emotional Journey: The Source! See below.}
Part 2 of The Emotional Journey: Experiencing everything as The Source
- Just rest in the infinite space that you are in essence … Knowing yourself as this boundless, infinite presence, this pure love … If {your label for The Source} had something to say to {the next layer back up} . what would it say then? {Write this answer down}. And now just allow {Source} to wash through the layer, so that it can bathe in it and dissolve in the infinite presence of {Source}.
- {Repeat the previous step until you reach the very first, top layer. On your way to the top layer, you wash through all the layers in between. When you get to the layer with the mark – that is the layer where a person or image appeared – you also wash through it with The Source and you treat that layer directly with The Campfire – the next part. After you are done at The Campfire, you continue through the layers until the first layer has also been transformed from The Source.
Part 3 of the Emotional Journey: The Campfire
In part three there will be a forgiveness ritual. This is a very important part: forgiveness is healing. Among other things, you will work with the child in yourself. You give him / her a present and there will be a ceremony / ritual where the little you will grow up: the boy becomes a man and the girl becomes a woman.
- Imagine a campfire – a campfire of unconditional love and pure acceptance.
- To this campfire, welcome a younger you, the current you, a wise mentor of yours, and specific people who played a part in the painful emotions of Part 1. Who is all there?
- It’s time to give voice to the younger you – who has been feeling all those painful emotions from Part 1. An opportunity to express all those strong feelings, which may not have felt safe to do before. They can now be spoken and the people at the campfire can now listen. Now is the chance.
This was not even half of the first technique. Do you want to learn the full technique – and the other techniques? In any case, take a look at the seminar of The Journey! See the offer below …
How can I register for The Healing Journey with Brandon Bays? (Offer)
Ready to master the powerful Journey method? To get the most out of yourself and live your life in freedom, spontaneity, pleasure and inner peace? You can view the offer and register by clicking the following link:
>> If you want to register directly for the 2025 edition, you can do so here with a special discount