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Diligence: Meaning & Characteristics of Diligent People

Diligence: Meaning & Characteristics of Diligent People

What is the quality of diligence? What are the characteristics of diligent people and how can you develop this in yourself? Read along…

What is diligence?

Diligence means that you commit yourself to a cause that is important to you. You know for yourself that a lot is possible, and you follow that high image with enthusiasm and inspiration.

The characteristics of diligence

What are the properties of diligence? Let’s see…

Characteristic 1 – You are fully committed

Those who are diligent give everything. You do what you can to serve the cause that is important to you.

Characteristic 2 – You have faith and faithfulness in the cause you are working on

Those who are diligently working on a goal actually believe very strongly that that goal can be achieved. You are loyal to this cause and therefore you work hard for it.

Trait 3 – You are tolerant of setbacks

The power of diligence is that it makes you tolerant of bumps in the road. You accept overcoming adversity because you have extra faith, strength, enthusiasm, loyalty and joyful energy for the goal.

Zeal is your inner fire. Even the smallest task can be relieved with joy thanks to diligence.

Trait 4 – Diligence is to be for something, not against something else

For example, when you believe in something very diligently, it does not mean that you are very hard on people who believe otherwise. You are tolerant when the belief of another differs from your belief.

Characteristic 5 – You do not necessarily have knowledge, but it is thanks to your diligence that you achieve success

When you look at the successful people of this world, it was often people who did not have a strong education. They have a low ‘IQ’, but they are diligent. Because of this, they have provided great success and wealth. The winner is the person who gives himself fully body and soul to his work.

Characteristic 6 – You are goal-oriented without being distracted

Diligent people keep working towards their goal, even though the distractions are so attractive. They know how to focus to serve their cause.

Affirm your diligence!

Read the sentence below aloud:

I am grateful that I have the gift of zeal and dilifence. My faith, strength, enthusiasm, loyalty, perseverance and joyful energy are ignited daily by this.

The original work? View the cards of the virtues project

The virtues project is the original initiative to spread as many virtues in the world as possible.

To your success!

About The Author


Hello! Thanks for reading these articles. My intention is to make happiness as simple and clear as posssible. By the way, excuse my English. I am not a native English speaker since I live in Amsterdam. Much appreciated if you use the comments to make suggestions on my grammar. See ya in another blogpost!


  1. Anonymous

    Thank you!

  2. Abiola

    I really love this articles. Well done

  3. Anonymous

    diligence is misspelled in the affirmation

    • Anonymous
